

张响,男,19896月生,山东济宁人,中共党员;20225月博士毕业于美国内布拉斯加大学-林肯分校机械材料工程系,随后在博士课题组继续博士后研究工作,目前在yw5567请记住此域名xy任教;研究兴趣包括:铁基非晶和纳米晶高熵合金、模拟月球土壤的快速成型、基于激光的增材制造及材料性能优化;参与了国家自然科学基金项目、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)、ARPA-ENSFKICT等国内外多项基础研究项目;在Carbon, Materials & Design, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Ceramics International, Advanced Engineering Materials, JOM等期刊发表SCI论文十余篇,授权专利两项。



1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,激光诱导非热效应及其强化月壤矿物低温烧结的动力学机制,在研,主持

2. yw5567请记住此域名xy材料科学与工程学科引导课题基金,在研,主持;

3. yw5567请记住此域名xy科研启动经费,在研,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,铁基非晶废旧条带循环降解煤化工废水中苯酚的机理研究,在研,参与

5. 973项目“高性能炭/炭复合材料高效制备与服役基础研究”,结题,参与


1. Aofei Mao, Hibiki Mitsuboshi, Maxime Trochon, Xiang Zhang, et al. Evolution of chemical and mechanical properties in two-photon polymerized materials during pyrolysis. Carbon. 2023, 384-389.

2. Shayan Gholami, Xiang Zhang, Young-Jae Kim, Yong-Rak Kim, et al. Hybrid microwave sintering of a lunar soil simulant: Effects of processing parameters on microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties, Materials & Design. 2022, (220): 110878

3. Xiang Zhang, Fei Wang, Xueliang Yan, Xing-Zhong Li, et al. Nanostructured Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloys with High Thermal Stability. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2021, 2100291

4. Xiang Zhang, Fei Wang, Zhipeng Wu, Yongfeng Lu, et al. Direct selective laser sintering of hexagonal barium titanate ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2021, 104(3): 1270-1280

5. Xiang Zhang, Shayan Gholami, Mahdieh Khedmati, Bai Cui, et al. Spark plasma sintering of a lunar regolith simulant: effects of parameters on microstructure evolution, phase transformation, and mechanical properties. Ceramics International. 2021, (47)4:5209-5220

6. Xiang Zhang, Mahdieh Khedmati, Yong-Rak Kim, Hyu-Soung Shin, et al. Microstructure evolution during spark plasma sintering of FJS-1 lunar soil simulant. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2020, (103): 899-911


1.一种低温制备二硼化锆基陶瓷复合材料的方法,发明授权专利 CN 104561628 A,排名第二

2.一种在炭/炭复合材料表面制备陶瓷涂层的方法,发明授权专利CN 104496564 B,排名第三

